CamiSev is good and here's why.
I love their supports! I love that Sophie asserts herself and tells Soleil not to compliment her on her looks because she wants to be recognized for her skills.
And I appreciate that Soleil respects that. But the idea of Sophie then missing being flirted with?? Very good. What if they fell in love.
Shura my beloved
If you haven't go read their supports go read their supports!!
They genuinely get to me. The way Velouria feels like an outcast and Kiragi accepts all of her. They take a while to get there but he makes her feel safe and she warms up to him on her own time!
I really enjoy Kaze falling for a girl who is totally clueless. He's so popular but he's not that experienced with romance either. He tries but he is NOT direct.
And Hana!Midori is the best. They are the cutest little family.
Saizo is kinda down bad in their supports and I really appreciate that from him. He gets it. Charlotte is the best.
I also think Charlotte could really like him! She takes a while to warm up in the supports. But Saizo is hot and pretty high ranking. He's a catch. Mostly.
2 shut-in girls who understand each other. I think their supports are cute! Especially the Gay Fates mod S support.
These 2 were one of my most powerful pairings when playing hard/classic Birthright. I also enjoy Hinoka!Mitama and Setsuna!Rhajat. Childhood friends?
Love is real
insert their paired end I wrote once